Lie Back and think of milk

Nancy Mohrbacher has written about a new position for breastfeeding.  Her attitudes to teaching Breastfeeding has been changed by reading the excellent research into baby's instincts - by British midwife Suzanne Coulson.  An early article setting out her research can be read here: (Coulson, 2005). A full set of her articles discussing Biological Nurturing is available here.

Part of the new Toolkit from La Leche League discusses how to do it (or not, as you like!).

Suzanne Coulson has produced this fun Recipe for Nurturing a new baby (or two).
A video-clip shows how it is done.

We've read about & practised feeding positions for many years - sitting postions (cross-cradle, rugby hold), lying down, even sleeve feeding!  The lovely Kate Evans showed us a whole Mama Sutra of positions for breastfeeding in her fantastic book "The Food of Love".

But now, we are encouraged to think of lying back and having the baby on it's tummy on top of us! Lactation experts have come "to accept that human babies, like all other mammals, are born with reflexes that help them get them to their feeding source and feed."  Also, we are beginning to realise that a mother's own instincts and reflexes are brought into play by the use of this position.
The sitting & lying positions are not "Wrong Ways" to hold a baby - they are great for some situations, but the lessons learned by the research of Suzanne Coulson (and set out in her book, or on her website Biological Nurturing) are that we should not be restricted to these positions.
Dianne Weissinger has also written an interesting article about this Laid-Back Method. Read more of her words on her own site: here.

You will hopefully have already seen "The Breast Crawl" video...
If not, then do go and have a look at this clip on YouTube.  See how powerfully a newborn can control itself if it has support in the right areas. They are born with powerful instincts.  (Just like us Mums!)

Nancy Mohrbacher explains here why it helps to lie back, and explains that it works fine even if you have a C-section wound. The laidback approach can also reduce the difficulties for mothers who have developed sore nipples.
"Laid-back positions use gravity to help rather than hinder breastfeeding and can make the early weeks more enjoyable."

I wonder  if there's any link with this laidback approach (where the baby is lying on it's tummy) and The Charm Hold, which has been described here on the La Leche League pages (again baby is lying on it's tummy - recommended as useful for babies who will not suckle, or don't remain attached).  A mother's testimonial can be read here.

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