
La Leche League

Click here to download a helpful free leaflet, Beginning Breastfeeding, from the LLL.

Do bookmark the Flintshire Feeders site before you leave us.
And please let me know if a link has broken.

Links to helpful webpages

  • Don't Panic! Kill or Cure site tells us about the overdramatic representations of Science in my favourite newspaper. Always best to read around & think it through. Look for Breastfeeding under B, and you'll see that Babies "can" both cause and prevent cancer. Also of interest there?...Bisphenol A, baby bottles.

Co-sleeping helps many breastfeeding families:

Links for information which may be particularly useful to those attending the Breastfeeding training course for Peer Support Project Volunteers:
Any suggestions? (Apart from everything on this site, of course!)

Links to forums where breastfeeding issues are discussed

Acronyms are widely used on forums. Confused? Try this guide, HTH, IYKWIM!!  

A bit of small print, though - these forums are great places to find a supportive ear... but not always to find helpful, reliable advice. (For example, you can read here about NetMums, and also here see a forum where very little proBF advice was given until it was highlighted by Armadillo. Especially avoid any forums/helplines which are funded by F***ula manufacturers - would you go to your local butcher to find out how to make Nut Roast for a vegetarian guest?)

If you need facts, try KellyMom... if you need common sense, try Dr Newman. If you need someone to listen to you right now, use a helpline or see below. Otherwise we'll see you at the next drop-in group!

    (Any more? - let us know!!)

    Links on other Parenting Topics - here.

    PSP are not responsible for external content

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