Page for RHYL

I'll be preparing a report on the Rhyl Peer Supporter Networking meeting of 20th June, and it will appear in this blog.  When available, a link will be sent to the email address which attendees provided.

Moving on from the Rhyl meeting
Link on Assembly site for the BF Welcome Scheme - leaflet available for downloading, or businesses/offices can do it via email. Can be applied to anywhere open to the public.

When shall we 30 meet again... how shall we organise childcare... what shall we cover...
How shall we keep in touch from now on?  Would Facebook be an acceptable forum for all? (See links for Facebook at the bottom of this page.)

Shuffle Topics:  Tongue-tie (TT)

Shuffle Topics: Thrush
Breastfeeding and Thrush (pdf from The Breastfeeding Network
FAQs for Mothers (pdf from The Breastfeeding Network)
Comprehensive page on Thrush (KellyMom)
Preventing Thrush (KellyMom)

Shuffle Topics: Mastitis
Breastfeeding and Mastitis (pdf from The Breastfeeding Network)
Information page on KellyMom
One Mum's story: (Leaky Boob) the Red-eyed Monster

Shuffle Topics: Alcohol, Cigarettes & Breastfeeding 
General info pages from the Australian Breastfeeding Association
and from Health e-learning



Masterclass Topics:
Hand Expression
Stanford video of mothers being taught Hand Expression.

YouTube video, but I'm sure there's a better link...



Positioning and Attachment

  • Fun video from Hotmilk (nursing bras) - adults only!

    • Mum & Me Magazine (based on the Big Issue model, for fundraising)

    And finally a set of links for the different regions on Facebook:
    - the page "Flintshire BFPS" - and you'll need to Like that to get news and articles sent to your wall.
    - the page "Wrexham BFPS" - ditto
    - the group "Conwy BFF" - just request to join.
    - and the group "Gwynedd & Anglesey BFPS" - ditto
    - and the group "Denbighshire BF Support Group"

    Also one group for all North Wales - but just for the Peer Supporters, Counsellors etc. Ask a current member to join you up!

    Also the Facebook group "Flintshire Sling Meet", which you should request to join if you're interested in finding out more on slings.  Fiona's blog is here - and it has links top left for lots of information.

    Alternatively, you may like to sign up for the Yahoo message group LactHelpers UK.

    Do let me know if any links are broken.  Any faults in the content are theirs. Any faults in the choice of one page over another provider/writer are mine, and not faults of the original speakers on the day! Always happy to hear of suggestions.
    Cheers, Lisa


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