Dispel-a-Myth Monday: "My Mum couldn't breastfeed, so I won't be able to"

At a recent meeting of Breastfeeding Supporters in Rhyl, attendees were asked to write (on a Post-It note) a Myth about Breastfeeding which they had heard in their local community.
We had a great response & were able to display them all on a Wall of Myths.
Well, actually - a Door of Myths.

I promised I would make use of them all, and so here they are!
Roughly each week on a Monday, I'll post up a new Dispel-a-Myth-Monday subject - and I hope that you'll help me by battering it down.
Please share widely, as this may help each myth to die (peacefully in it's sleep, surrounded by relatives)

An Amazon, from Greek Mythology

SO - this week's MYTH is:

"My Mum couldn't breastfeed, so I won't be able to"

Please add a comment below to tell us why this statement is not true.  It's a Myth!
Post a comment on Facebook and I'll add them on here for you.

Here's a link to the first Dispel-a-Myth Monday post.

General sources for online Myth-Busting:
Dr Jack Newman (4 packed pages!)

Dispelling Breastfeeding Myths (based in UK)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Some folks here had an answer for this myth


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